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Selected Publications

All Publications

You may also view my papers (with some redundancies) at Google Scholar.

In approximate reverse chronological order of publication/submission. Many of the preprints have better formatting than the journal article, because of publication nonsense.
  1. R Osuna-Orozco, E Castillo, KD Harris, SR Santacruz. Identification of Recurrent Dynamics in Distributed Neural Populations. Under review. 2024. [preprint]
  2. V White, M Chaudhary, G Wolf, G Lajoie, KD Harris. Learning and Aligning Structured Random Feature Networks. ICLR Re-Align workshop. 2024. [paper]
  3. A Read, S Ban, KD Harris. Visual cortex-inspired compressive sensing. In preparation for journal/conference submission, MS paper Fall 2023.
  4. GM Chou, NE Bush, RS Phillips, NA Baertsch, KD Harris. Modeling effects of variable preBötzinger complex network topology and cellular properties on opioid-induced respiratory depression and recovery. eNeuro 22 January 2024, ENEURO.0284-23.2023. [preprint] [journal]
  5. KD Harris, O López, A Read, Y Zhu. Spectral gap-based deterministic tensor completion. In proceedings, SampTA 2023. [preprint] [proceedings]
  6. M Xie, S Muscinelli, KD Harris, A Litwin-Kumar. Task-dependent optimal representations for cerebellar learning. eLife 12:e82914. 2023. [preprint] [journal]
  7. S Daetwiler, A Read, J Stillwell, KD Harris. BrainViewer: interacting with spatial connectome data at the mesoscale. [preprint][code]
  8. B Pandey, M Pachitariu, BW Brunton, KD Harris. Structured random receptive fields enable informative sensory encodings. PLoS Comput Biol 18(10): e1010484. 2022. [journal] [preprint]
  9. KD Harris, Y Zhu. Deterministic tensor completion with hypergraph expanders. SIAM Mathematics of Data Science 3(4), 1117-1140. 2021. [journal] [preprint]
  10. KD Harris, A Aravkin, R Rao, BW Brunton. Time-varying Autoregression with Low Rank Tensors. SIAM Applied Dynamical Systems 20(4), 2335--2358. 2021. [journal] [preprint]
  11. G Brito, I Dumitriu, KD Harris. Spectral gap in random bipartite biregular graphs and applications. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing. 2021. [journal] [preprint]
  12. WS DeWitt, KD Harris, AP Ragsdale, K Harris. Joint nonparametric coalescent inference of mutation spectrum history and demography. PNAS 118 (21) e2013798118. 2021. [journal] [preprint]
  13. SM Hirsh, KD Harris, JN Kutz, BW Brunton. Centering Data Improves the Dynamic Mode Decomposition. SIAM Applied Dynamical Systems 19(3), 1920-1955. 2020. [journal] [preprint]
  14. KD Harris. Additive function approximation in the brain. NeurIPS Real Neurons and Hidden Units workshop. 2019. [proceedings] [preprint]
  15. P Kürschner, S Dolgov, KD Harris, P Benner. Greedy low-rank algorithm for smooth connectome regression. J Mathematical Neuroscience 9: 9. 2019. [journal] [preprint]
  16. J Knox, KD Harris, N Graddis, JD Whitesell, H Zeng, JA Harris, E Shea-Brown, S Mihalas. High resolution data-driven model of the mouse connectome. Network Neuroscience 3(1), 217-236. 2019. [journal] [preprint] [Supplemental code]
  17. KD Harris. This Brain Is a Mess: Inference, Random Graphs, and Biophysics to Disentangle Neuronal Networks. University of Washington Ph.D. Thesis. 2017. [thesis] [local copy]
  18. KD Harris, T Dashevskiy, J Mendoza, AJ Garcia III, J-M Ramirez, E Shea-Brown. Different roles for inhibition in the rhythm-generating respiratory network. J Neurophysiology 118(4), 2070-2088. 2017. [reprint] [journal] [arXiv] [Supplemental code]
  19. A Litwin-Kumar, KD Harris, R Axel, H Sompolinsky, LF Abbott. Optimal Degrees of Synaptic Connectivity. Neuron 93, 1153-1164. 2017. [journal] [reprint]
  20. KD Harris, S Mihalas, ET Shea-Brown. Nonnegative spline regression of incomplete tracing data reveals high resolution neural connectivity. NIPS, 2016. [arXiv] [Supplemental code]
  21. PS Dodds, EM Clark, S Desu, MR Frank, AJ Reagan, JR Williams, L Mitchell, KD Harris, IM Kloumann, JP Bagrow, K Megerdoomian, MT McMahon, BF Tivnan, CM Danforth. Human language reveals a universal positivity bias. PNAS 112(8), 2389–2394. 2015. [ journal] [preprint] [critique by Garcia et al.] [response to Garcia et al.]
  22. KD Harris, PS Dodds, CM Danforth. Dynamical influence processes on networks: General theory and applications to social contagion. Phys Rev E 88, 022816. 2013. [reprint] [journal] [arxiv]
  23. L Mitchell, MR Frank, KD Harris, PS Dodds, CM Danforth. The Geography of Happiness: Connecting Twitter sentiment and expression, demographics, and objective characteristics of place. PLoS ONE 8(5): e64417. 2013. [journal] [arXiv]
  24. PS Dodds, KD Harris, CM Danforth. Limited Imitation Contagion on Random Networks: Chaos, Universality, and Unpredictability. Phys Rev Lett 110, 158701. 2013. [reprint] [journal] [arXiv]
  25. CA Bliss, IM Kloumann, KD Harris, CM Danforth, PS Dodds. Twitter reciprocal reply networks exhibit assortativity with respect to happiness. Journal of Computational Science 3(5), 388–397. 2012. [journal] [arXiv]
  26. KD Harris, E-H Ridouane, D Hitt, and CM Danforth. Predicting flow reversals in chaotic natural convection using data assimilation. Tellus A 64, 17598. 2012. [reprint] [journal] [arXiv]
  27. N Allgaier, KD Harris, CM Danforth. Empirical Correction of a Toy Climate Model. Phys Rev E 85, 026201. 2012. [reprint] [arXiv]
  28. IM Kloumann, CM Danforth, KD Harris, CA Bliss, PS Dodds. Positivity of the English language. PLoS ONE 7(1): e29484. 2012. [journal] [arXiv (preferred)]
  29. PS Dodds, KD Harris, IM Kloumann, C Bliss, CM Danforth. Temporal patterns of happiness and information in a global social network: Hedonometrics and Twitter. PLoS ONE 6(12): e26752. 2011. [journal] [arXiv (preferred)]
  30. JL Payne, KD Harris, PS Dodds. Exact solutions for social and biological contagion models on mixed directed and undirected, degree-correlated random networks. Phys Rev E 84, 016110. 2011. [reprint] [arXiv]
  31. PS Dodds, KD Harris, and JL Payne. Direct, physically motivated derivation of the contagion condition for spreading processes on generalized random networks. Phys Rev E 83, 056122. 2011. [reprint] [arXiv]
  1. PS Dodds, KD Harris, JL Payne. Direct, physically motivated derivation of triggering probabilities for spreading processes on generalized random networks. 2011. [e-print]

Here's a visualization of my (somewhat out-of-date) paper-coauthor collaboration network, thanks to Florian Klimm.

It's a bipartite graph. The papers are orange and collaborators blue.